Thursday, May 26, 2011

Walking with Superman: Day 309

Superman's visit to Cleveland, Ohio, began as many of the stops on his journey have: with a celebration in his honor. The mayor presented the Man of Steel with a plaque to commemorate the event, and Superman participated in the festivities, enjoying old-fashioned carnival food and playing games with children. Signs and banners adorned streets and neighborhoods, welcoming Superman to the Forest City. But when he awoke the next morning, the plaque had disappeared. The Plain Dealer made no mention of the celebration or Superman's visit, and a quick glance at the previous days' issues--which had been advertising the event heavily--showed no mention either! The banners and signs are gone, with no trace of having existed at all, and people on the street barely give Superman a second look. Why has Cleveland suddenly forgotten their honored guest? Superman's determined to find out, before he forgets himself!

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